As part of the Intelligent Development Operational Program,  HENSFORT  carries out the project of implementing the proprietary production technology of windows and doors joinery equipped with an innovative cooling system. The project with a value exceeding  14 million PLN obtained the highest number of points from those applying for co-financing from the European Union „Research for the Market" programme.

The project results of research and development carried out by the manufacturer of energy-efficient windows, which resulted in a window with a supply and exhaust system, with improved functional properties in terms of resistance to weather conditions, good durability, more effective cooling of the face chambers and more favorable distribution of temperature between neighboring chambers, as well as good resistance to flooding and soiling of channels will be implemented . The  effective usage of short-term pressure fluctuations to dissipate absorbed thermal Energy is also very important.

From idea to patent

We conducted research for 16 months - from August 2017 to December 2018. We demonstrated that the features and functionalities of the created product will distinguish it from other products on the market, and thus constitute the novelty of the proposed solution. It is worth konwong that these solutions  will not only be available on Polish market but also abroad creating innovation on an international scale. To make sure the solution we will implemet as soon as possible we  filed in the State Patent Office of the Republic of Poland with the A grade in all categories - explains Krzysztof Gala, General Director at HENSFORT 

As a  part of the project, the window manufacturer intends to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets as well as construction works and materials.

Innovation is undoubtedly one of the main drivers of economic growth. The ability to create and implement innovative solutions is the basic measure of the market efficiency of the company. Nowadays , market successes relate to those companies that efficiently bring new products to the market. Our research and development works allow us to quickly move from the project, through prototyping, to the finished product, having a significant impact on the development of the entire organization - comments Andrzej Pichur, President of the Management Board of HENSFORT Sp. z o.o.

Competition pattern

In addition, HENSFORT carries out work related to conducting a design audit and developing a company's design strategy based on it as part of the Operational Program Eastern Poland 2014-2020, Priority Axis I: Entrepreneur Eastern Poland, Measure 1.4. Pattern for competition.

Dynamic competition, as well as changes in  consumers lifestyles and  preferences, force modern organizations to constantly search for new sources of competitive advantage. Due to this, both projects are of strategic importance for us and will significantly affect the development of our product offer - summarizes Marcin Wenzel, Development Director at HENSFORT Sp. z o.o.

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