Nearly 80% of burglaries are carried out by balancing windows and doors. Therefore, we can not say that our house is safe unless our windows and doors are safe. In the interest of the safety of its customers, the Hensfort brand, based on the certificate issued by SIEGENIA, has been approved for the production of windows that comply with the RC2 resistance class standards.


Until now, the window with the RC1 certificate provided basic protection against accidental break-in attempts e.g by breaking the window with force, kicking or pushing the bar. An important aspect in this class of windows is also their professional installation with  four locking points and a lockable handle with protection against drilling. In the case of RC2 anti-burglary protection class, the window must meet all the requirements of the basic protection level  and needs to have  two additional locking points and tempered glass - the so-called safe glass. Such windows provide effective protection against burglary attempts with the usage of simple tools such as screwdriver, pliers, wedge.

-The windows in the RC2 class are primarily characterized by mushroom-shaped elements on the wing, frame fittings( mounted also to steel), increased number of fittings around the perimeter of the window, handle with a key with anti-piercing sheet, P4 anti-burglary glass, additional locking point for window corners. - explains Wojciech Pawłowski, SIEGENIA Expert.

The constructions manufactured by HENSFORT have been positively tested by the SIEGENIA and distinguished by the certificate of admission to the production of windows in the RC2 class.

The Hensfort brand pays particular attention to the safety of  our customers. By our long term cooperation  with Siegenia , we constantly improve our products making them safer. We also emphasize the importance  of the professional installation of windows in terms of security - summarizes Paweł Kobiałka, Product Manager at Hensfort.

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